WEEK 4 : The Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11 – 32)
As I woke up to another sticky, humid day, in the season of summer, I silently thought to myself that I wanted
something more than my father, mother and brother.
So to my father’s room , I went off hastily, and requested I be given my inheritance and leave.
This life got too mundane for my liking, so after having my request fulfilled, I left home with ease.
Freedom at last! I thought.
Little did I know that this new found freedom would turn out, not as I highly expected.
At the start, I was merry , had friends around me- more like people who didn’t love me, but pretended.
Before I knew it, some weeks passed, and I was found bankrupt, alone, hungry and rejected.
Not one soul showed me mercy , compassion or little care.
The only attention I received from this foreign town I was in, was a bunch of empty stares.
My body soon became hungry and thirsty at the max, and could not bear,
So I joined the pig’s shelter and ate pig’s food there.
Whilst eating and feeling utterly humiliated, I had a little epiphany.
My good and kind Father, could accept me to live again with him, even as a servant,
The life as a servant, at my Father’s home, would be better than this misery.
Shaking off the dust from my clothes, I got up and left this foreign town, to never be heard of.
As I was reaching my comforting home again, I saw a familiar face from a distance.
Soon this figure was running towards me, and I realised, who was the man.
It was my Father, who was oddly overjoyed that I had returned again.
I did not expect him to be so happy to welcome me back with no resistance.
A lavish party, my Father threw for me- the foolish son who left for selfish reasons and to please men.
My older brother seemed slightly displeased and envious- but I couldn’t blame him, I would be too if I was him.
For truthfully , I did not deserve such love and acceptance from my Father, who I treated as “good for dead” when I took my inheritance early.
This love and acceptance from Him, changed me forever and made me realise that I was dead and lost before now- and I thank God I can finally see that clearly.