The man by the pool
Fifth Sunday of Lent
I am the old man that’s paralysed and ill
By the pool of Bethsaida I lay there still
Eager to be healed, live, and be set free
But no one is willing to help me
Beside the pool lay a multitude of sick, lame and blind, waiting for sometime
Hoping an angel would appear and stir the pool one more time
Whoever got to the water first
Was healed and all his ailments were reversed
I, the crippled and hopeless man lay there for 38 years
Silently suffering year after year with many tears
But one special day turned my life around
Compassion, love, happiness and faith I truly found
Jesus saw me lying there, in my crippled condition
He saw the agony and pain in my eyes from my lame position
Jesus said to me, “Do you wish to be well” and then I replied,
“Yes, but when the water is stirred I cannot go inside”
Jesus was very patient with me and allowed me to talk
Then He commanded me saying, “Rise up, take your bed and walk”
Immediately I felt renewed, and felt strength throughout
Without thinking I jumped and gave a joyful shout
I reached down, bent my knees and picked up my bed
For the first time in my life I was able to walk ahead
I then departed to the temple on the mount
Christ saw me and told me to make these days count
Christ is like our water of healing
So we must ask him for forgiveness while kneeling
When we ask for healing, pray and plead
Our Lord runs to provide us with comfort when we are in need