Ten days after the ascension of Our Lord
The disciples assembled together in one accord
After a rushing mighty wind, The Holy Spirit they received
Divided Tongues of Fire, each of them perceived
The disciples evangelized and preached God’s word
In every language they spoke, which before was unheard
He gave them authority to heal; great signs and wonders they made
They shed their blood for His holy name’s sake, without being afraid
He gave them a holy gift, with tongues they speak
He is our comforter and strength for the weak
You are the treasure of goodness and giver of life
Spirit of Truth, who rescues from all strife
He fills us with understanding and spiritual wisdom
Make us worthy to enter into the heavenly kingdom
Sanctify my heart, mind and soul
Cleanse my intentions and my senses help me control
The Paraclete descended on the feast of Pentecost
May He Guide my steps and lead my path when I’m lost
Spirit of God, fill and dwell within me
From all evil and carnal lusts help me flee
Oh life giver, we ask You to grant us heavenly peace
We praise, bless and glorify You; from prayer may we never cease
Purify us from all iniquity and sin
Help us to be victorious in our struggle and be pure within