Week 2 – Temptation.
Our lord Jesus Christ prayed and fasted
For forty days and forty nights
He was hungry but His strength was everlasting
While in the wilderness in great heights
Satan tempted Jesus three times
Yet Christ overcame temptation with God’s word
So we also must trample on evil in tough times
So that the battle will be won and victory heard
“Command these stones to become bread”
Said the devil to our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone,
But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”
The devil set him up into the holy city
On the pinnacle of the temple he challenged Him and said
”Throw yourself down for your angels will save you”
But the Lord replied, “Do not tempt the lord your God”
Again, the devil took him up on a high mountain
He said “Fall down and worship me in return of the world”
But our Lord said, “Away with you Satan!
You shall worship the Lords your God, and serve Him only”
The devil tempts us at our weakest point
We must persevere and not give up the fight
For angels Christ will appoint
To minister us and guide us to do what is right
The scripture is a shield from what is bad
We gain strength through earnest fasting and prayer, thus,
Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad
For victory over Satan, God has given us.