Spirit of God, be my sole Companion!
Guide my steps, and lead me to a victorious battle!
Shelter my heart as a cloud,
that protects me from the heat of temptation,
and cool me with Your rich oil of grace.
Spirit of God, grant me a new and rejuvenated outlet,
so that I may be saved daily,
from the slavery of the devil,
and pass through the cruel wilderness of this world,
and enjoy the heavenly Canaan.
Spirit of God, I beg of You to stay behind me,
to protect me from the unknown!
Defend me, O Spirit of God,
as I do not depend on the strength of man,
prestige, power or any materialistic matters.
Enter my heart, O Spirit of God,
so that I may rejoice in Your glory!
The world then will find no room in my heart,
neither will sin be able to overpower me,
nor the enemy to lure me away from You,
as I will rejoice in Your grace!
Spirit of God, escort my footsteps, wherever I go.
Bless my heart, thoughts and senses.
Bless my inner and outer deeds.
Bless me, O Holy One!
Spirit of God, be with me and within me!
Guide me and I will follow You.
Defend me from the unknown.
Abide in my heart and escort my movements.
For You are my wonderful and sweet Companion!