Our Lord Jesus was once dead
But with Him we now rise instead
To you is all majesty, power, and glory
Of true and eternal love and compassion this is a story
He died that I may live
He hungered to fill my hunger
He thirst to quench my thirst
He was beaten and tortured so that my every ache and wound would be healed
He grieved so that I may rejoice and be glad
He was rejected so that I may be accepted
He was outcasted so that I may be a part of His uniting body
He was humiliated and shamed so that I may be praised
He was enslaved so I can be set free
He was held captive to free me from the bondage of sin
He sank into the depths of sorrow to establish for me eternal joy
He was tempted to provide me with comfort in the face of adversity
He was sacrificed, as a sheep to be sheared, for me to gain eternal salvation
He was silent so that I may have a voice
His head bows to raise me up
He humbles himself so I can be lifted to heaven
He was stripped naked to cover all our faults
He carried the burden of humanity’s sin so the load of our baggage would lighten up
He was wounded for all my wounds to be healed
He was abused that I may be honoured
He was hated that I may be loved
Oh my Lord Jesus Christ
My Good Saviour
How great and everlasting is your love
The precious cross is always before me
So sin’s power can no longer be
Christ was tortured, wounded, and experienced excruciating pain
So that a place in heaven we can gain
Very early in the morning on Sunday
Christ’s glory burst in a golden ray
A strong shaking movement in the earth woke the guards from their sleep
Jesus was not there so Mary started to weep
The stone was rolled away from the tomb
Declaring life, no more death or gloom
His glorious resurrection is my joyful song
For the Lord is almighty and so strong
After three days Christ rose up and was glorious
The Lord trampled over sin and death; He was so victorious
Now Christ abides in my heart
Sin can no longer separate and take us apart
You carried my iniquity and paid my debt
So life with you Lord I can get
No more sorrow, no more pain
Because your kingdom and eternal life we gain
Dying on the cross was a sign of strength, not weakness
You, our Saviour and king, came to our lowly state with meekness
You were crucified to break the bondage of sin
You love and forgive me no matter how bad I have been