“Put to Death” By Maria Iskander
In the journey of these Holy 50 days, may we all, by God’ s grace do the following:
Put to death habits of lying, to resurrect with habits of honesty.
Put to death pretending, to resurrect with authenticity.
Put to death your envy, to resurrect with purity.
Put to death your anger, to resurrect with happiness.
Put to death your evil eyes, to resurrect with pure eyes.
Put to death your carelessness, to resurrect with a caring attitude.
Put to death apathy, to resurrect with compassion.
Put your death foolishness, to resurrect with wisdom.
Put to death your arrogance, to resurrect with humility.
Put to death your selfish ways, to resurrect with selflessness.
Put to death your lack of gratitude, to resurrect with gratefulness.
Put to death your manipulative ways, to resurrect with the truth.
Put to death your doubts, to resurrect with trust in God.
Put to death your insecurities, to resurrect with God-esteem.
And last but certainly not least, put to death your devil inspired hatred, and resurrect with a God –inspired love.