“Let us make the human being according to our image and likeness” (Gen1:26) … This saying is not written concerning any other things that were fashioned. Light came to be, and there was a simple command; God said “Let there be light”. Heaven came to be without deliberation concerning heaven. The stars came to be and there was no deliberation about the stars. Sea and boundless ocean- by a command they were brought into being. Fish of all kinds were ordered to come into being. Wild beasts and domestic animals, swimming and flying creatures- he spoke, and they came to be. Here the human being does not exist, and there is deliberation concerning the human. He did not cast forth your origin by a commandment, but there was counsel in God to consider how to bring the dignified living creature into life. “Let us make”. The wise one deliberates, the Craftsman ponders. So did he lose his skill and did he deliberate in anxiety as he created in his masterpiece completion and perfection and exactitude? Or rather did he intend to show you that you are perfect before God?