Jonah was cast into the belly of a whale for 3 days and 3 nights as a consequence for his disobedience to God. It is when the floods surrounded and engulfed Jonah in hopelessness that he learnt that hope and power can only be found in the Lord.
In God’s just, yet loving nature, He delivered Jonah from the midst of the storm. God heard Jonah’s plea and He also hears your pleas.
Just when you feel burdened by an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, confide in the knowledge that God is holding you through all the pain. Confide in the fact that the Lord knows all our thoughts, worries, and fears! The tough situations or hurdles in life that we face are just a reminder that God is in fact our God, our master, our deliverer, and in Him only can we trust for redemption.
In Psalm 86:13 we praise, “You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol”. In the Old Testament, the word ‘Sheol’ is described as the “abode of the dead” and is thought to be derived from a word meaning “hollow”. Because Jonah turned away from God, he was brought to a very low state almost synonymous to death! This confirms that with God, our life is not hollow but rather, all sustenance and fulfilment is found through Him alone.
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