JONAH – by Marina Zakary
The Lord told Jonah to go and tell
All those in Nineveh who dwell
To turn their ways from evil and sin
Or God will destroy the city they are living in
Instead, Jonah went to Tarshish on a ship
To run away and flee from God on a trip
He ignored God’s calling and went his own way
Instead of asking God for help, guidance, or to pray
A huge storm arose with fierce wind
The mariners cries out and asked who sinned
They awoke Jonah from his deep sleep
They cried to their gods and threw the cargo into the deep
Fleeing God’s wrath Jonah took a great leap
Into and ocean that is so deep
They cast a lot to see who is to blame
It landed on Jonah and he was full of shame
God sent a big fish to swallow him up from great heights
He stayed in the fish’s belly for 3 days and 3 nights
In darkness he was laying
Praying to the Lord in repentance saying:
” The waters surrounded me, even to my soul,
I was cast into the heart of the sea
When my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord
Salvation belongs to you my God”
The Lord spoke to the fish and vomited Jonah onto dry land
And he led the city to repentance with God’s helping hand
“40 days and the city will be overthrown”
Consequences of sin they must have known
The people believed in God and proclaimed a fast
They put on sackcloth from first to last
God showed mercy, compassion and love
Because they raised their hearts to heaven above
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