What do we use to measure the worthiness of the branches forthcoming from the vine? How can the productivity and the yield be measured? Is it in the vat or in the baskets that are brought forward? Is it in the supply houses and in the depth and breadth of the storage houses that you fill?
Do you not know that with a grain of sand I can build the earth? Do you not realise that I created all from nothing? Do you try to fathom the depths of My knowledge and the plans that I have for you and the world?
I love you, but you must love back in trust. I grant you wisdom and understanding…as you need it. I shall not leave you empty, but fill you up; as you need. I know the world and all about you and the effects of the course of time. You do not. How can a loving father give to his child that which will harm him? Would you? If you would not, how can I? In My infinite wisdom and understanding, I must love you. You must know this and trust in this, for this is your hope. This is your calling. This is the way to follow and grow and climb the mountains of faith and love that I place before you, so you can soar with the angels of the air and be embraced in the heavenly kingdom.
The fruit exists in the heart. The heart is the fruit that I check and see. The fruit that defines whether the work is of noble intent or of the self. This is the true fruit. This is the good and bad. The extremities show nothing, but the flesh and core within define the future seeds and growth from that fruit, and the productivity that shall, or shall not come; dependent on the heart of the believer.
Do all things in love and in humility and your seeds shall flourish, be watered and planted in the soils of the earth, that shall bring forth trees of joy that shall offer shade and strength and nourishment for generations to come. Know that I love you and all mankind. All I ask is that you keep yourself in Me and focus not on the fruit of your labours, but on the strength of hope and will and on your relationship with Me your Heavenly Father; as I love you and hold you in My hands and do not want you to chase that which is not holy or godly.
The focus of your eyes must be on Me. The focus of your ears must remain on Me, and then the pollutants of this world shall not blemish the fruit, that is in your heart, and in this way you shall remain with Me always.
Be at peace,
Your Heavenly Father