“Dear Jesus Christ” By- Cassandra Mekhaeel
Dear Jesus Christ, my father, my king
A knight in shining armour, you delivered to me a ring
The ring is a solemn promise, your resurrection proving that I will always be your child
After three days you hug me tightly in a white garment, shining with reassurance and a smile
The love you have for me is precious, in the shape of a cross
It’s amazing to me that after your blood shed and anguish, you arose again
In a white garment of purity, you proved to be divine, that you weren’t pretend
You conquered sin and death, as your bright rays spread across the nation
Jesus, you hold my hand daily, your wounds placing me in deep contemplation
I sit in the church in passion week, allowing you to assist me in undergoing spiritual transformation
To abolish the gossiping, the lying, the betrayals and the temptation
It is through your ascension, that I believe in salvation
I have found my best friend, that every day and night I have conversation.