Psalm 9: 2
Saint John Chrysostom:
This is a particular habit of a lover. Those in love, you know, sing songs to their beloved; even if they are not in sight, they comfort themselves with the song. That is just what the inspired author does: since it is not possible to see God, he composes songs to him, holding converse with him in song, stirring up desire, and gaining the impression of seeing him or, rather, stirring up the desire of many people through the singing of hymns and songs. In other words, just as lovers recite the praises of their beloved and bandy their names about, exactly so does he in the words, I shall sing praise to your name, O Most High. See how he lifted himself up from the earth, and raised his whole person towards that being, directing himself to God. Hence he keeps his name constantly on the move, this after all being the way with a lover.