Clothed In Majesty
The ray of light that leaves the sun
Is the source and of the source.
It loses not its powers or its properties
But manifests itself as being from the source.
My Light goes before all men,
Showing the Way, My energies and My power.
A witness and testimony to those who see
That I live and breathe; and that they are not alone.
My presence shall clothe all My saints,
All those who seek Me with a pure heart.
Those who lay themselves before Me
And lead their lives as I have asked.
My garments are those of virtue.
Those of the Spirit, not of the flesh.
They shall dress your inside and out
And be viewed by all the world.
For My clothing is light and pure
And radiates within a world of darkness,
Which sees and does not understand
And views a hope and glory not yet attained.
Shine forth in your majestic clothes
Walk as the sons of God as you are.
Walk with pride in your Creator and His gifts
That He has graciously given to you.