What can I offer to the Lord, for I have nothing and He created all.
What can I give of worth and value into the mighty hand of my Lord and master?
What can this lowly servant offer the Almighty God, the creator of the world and all that lies within?
What can I offer Him that shall be pleasing in His sight and bring gladness to His heart?
My Lord I give You my life, my being, my thoughts, my mind, my heart and my flesh.
My soul, may it dress your hand day and night and remain in Your loving care for all of eternity.
My life, my will, my all in all; I lift up to You my God and Saviour. Please take this rough hewn stone, and create what is precious in Your sight.
Write on me a new name O’Lord, one that defines my being. One that fulfils Thy purpose and shows what I am to You.
That which lies in Your hands cries out to be a new creation, to evolve into that which You destine it to be.
Remould this clay that bows down before You. Have mercy and pity on me. May Your tears of compassion dissolve this hardened vessel, (that is my heart), and make it soft and malleable in Your hands.
I plea deeply before You. Mould me into a new creation. Pour down Your Holy Spirit upon me. Cast out the grit, throw out the old, and make me a worthy vessel; in Your hand.