Another day like no other.
Another loss of a Coptic man and Father.
Dear Fr Simon Shehata, may we be always prepared.
And may we be selfless like you, who for people of Beni Suef cared.
This war against Satan and his followers may exist.
But we have a stronger God and we must persist.
We aspire to walk as you walked- You were an angel on this Earth.
Like you, may we have clear focus on every person we serve.
The motive of your random attack remains to be only.
Based on hate, anger and loss of Earth’s humanity.
Now We pray for your beloved wife to overcome the pain
May she and your children’s hope and faith remain.
This tragic attack reignites feelings of injustice,
So please Abouna Simon, pray for us all to overcome this pain.
For we know God’s children are never left behind.
God’s love and might will keep the Coptic Church sound inside.
Yes we are angered and saddened by your tragic loss, we won’t deny.
Yet, we’re saddened also for the lives of those who commit this crime.
For we know and are certain you have passed away to a better place
being with the Lord of Hosts and angels in Paradise
And so help us to be confident that your brutal stabbing will soon transform,
Into a season of joy, Coptic pride and healing- after this season of mourn.
By: Maria Iskander